Here you will find all the information you need to order your ISIC, ITIC or IYTC. Get your access to more than 150,000 discounts in over 130 countries now!
Online or offline? Click here to go directly to the order:
The easy way to get your ISIC, ITIC or IYTC: You can order your new card from the comfort of your home using our online form. Click on the link and you’re ready to go!
Prefer to apply for your card in person? On the next page you will find all the issuing offices in Germany where you can get your ISIC, ITIC or IYTC directly.
You still have questions? Here you can get more information:
You are not a student?
Even if you are not currently a student or pupil, you can benefit from our worldwide discounts as a teacher or young person up to the age of 31. Under Cards you will find an overview of the possibilities and requirements.
What proof do I need?
If you want to find out first what proofs you need, then you’ve come to the right place. An overview of the documents you will be asked for in the order form can be found here for the ISIC, ITIC and IYTC.
The next steps:
Once we receive your payment, we will review your application within the next 1-3 business days and email you your card number.