ITIC card order

Teachers should not miss out either. With the ITIC, the international card for teachers, they also get access to many discounts. The ITIC order can be placed online here in just a few minutes.

Smartphone auf dem die virtuelle ITIC abgebildet ist.

FAQ about ITIC application

All teachers at an accredited educational institute registered and recognized by the competent authority of the respective country are eligible. These include, for example, elementary schools, comprehensive schools, high schools, technical colleges, universities, vocational schools or language schools.

These provisions apply to German and foreign applicants, regardless of their place of residence in Germany or abroad.

  • A current dated and signed letter of confirmation from the respective educational institution. The document must confirm faculty status at the institution. 
  • A portrait photo of you (a well exposed selfie with a calm background is sufficient, it does not have to be a biometric passport photo)
  • Proof of identity (to match your personal data)

You have the choice. By default, each ITIC is a virtual card that is stored in your account in the ISIC appfor you in the ISIC app. If you like, you can optionally order a plastic card to go with it if you don’t want to have your phone with you all the time. However, the plastic card is not mandatory, as you can show the virtual card just as well to get discounts.

  • The ITIC is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
  • The virtual ITIC costs €18.00. You can optionally order a plastic card for €4.00 + postage.
  • The ITIC is not automatically renewed.

We check your orders on weekdays from Mon. – Fr. We always try to approve the applications as soon as possible. Nevertheless, during high season we may need up to 3 business days. But usually we are faster. You will receive an email from us after your order is approved. If you have ordered a plastic card, we will also inform you by e-mail about the status of the issue.

ITIC order online

You have everything ready and waiting? Then get started now!

ITIC issuing offices

Get your ITIC issued on the spot so you can use it right away!

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