ISIC card order

The internationally recognized ID card for students and pupils. With ISIC you can prove your status worldwide and enjoy all the benefits and discounts of student life. What exactly you need to order an ISIC, you can find out here.

Smartphone auf dem die virtuelle ISIC abgebildet ist.

FAQ for your ISIC order

These regulations apply to German and foreign persons, regardless of the place of study in Germany and abroad. Attendance at the educational institution must be at least 15 hours per week for at least 12 weeks.

  • Students who are currently attending a state or private university.
  • Persons attending a primary, lower secondary or upper secondary school (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium, Gesamtschule or private recognized institution) in the current school year. Special schools and evening schools are also included.
  • Persons who are in vocational training and attend a vocational (technical) school.
  • Persons attending a language course. The above-mentioned hours regulation also applies here.
  • Students on leave of absence with a certificate of enrollment.
  • Students of a preparatory college with certificate of enrollment.
  • Doctoral students with certificate of enrollment.
  • Persons in the legal clerkship and teacher training (as part of a two-phase academic training).


Not ISIC eligible:

Participants in an offer that does not lead to vocational training, e.g: Guest auditor, participants in VHS courses, FsJ/FöJ, persons in traineeships or internships (provided they are not students) and au pairs au pairs, are unfortunately not eligible for ISIC.

If you do not meet the requirements for the ISIC application, then the IYTC might be an alternative.

There is no age restriction for the ISIC application.

To prove your status, you must provide one of the following documents that support your student or pupil status:
  • A certificate of enrollment valid on the day of the order or a student ID confirming your status.
  • A letter written on university or school letterhead with an official stamp and current date confirming status.
  • An apprenticeship contract, proof of attendance at a vocational school or an Azubi Card for the current year of training, confirming that you have received training in accordance with the Vocational Training Act.
  • Or certified translations of the above documents.
To apply for the ISIC you will also need
  • A portrait photo of you (a well exposed selfie with a calm background is sufficient, it does not have to be a biometric passport photo)
  • A proof of identity in order to be able to carry out the comparison of your personal data.

You have the choice. By default, each ISIC is a virtual card that is stored in your account in the ISIC app as soon as you have registered. If you like, you can optionally order a plastic card to go with it if you don’t want to have your phone with you all the time. Nevertheless, the plastic card is not mandatory.

  • The ISIC is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
  • The virtual ISIC costs €18.00. You can optionally order a plastic card for €4.00 + postage.
  • The ISIC is not automatically renewed.
  • The ISIC does not have to be returned after exmatriculation or graduation.

We check your orders daily, always trying to approve the applications quickly. Nevertheless, in high seasons it can happen that we need up to 3 working days. But usually we are faster. We will send you an email with your card number after your order is approved. If you have ordered a plastic card with it, we will also inform you about the shipment by e-mail.

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Sofa und legt auf ihrem Handy etwas in den Warenkorb - Symbolbild für Onlinebestellung

Order ISIC online

You have everything ready and waiting? Then get started now!

Issuing offices

Get your ISIC issued locally so you can use it right away!

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