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Deutsches Auswandererhaus

<p>A moving journey through time awaits you at the German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven, the award-winning museum at one of the historically most important emigration ports in Europe. In the museum, which was renovated and expanded in 2021, new, faithfully reconstructed locations, personal memorabilia and moving biographies invite you to search for traces: You will get to know real emigrants on their way to their new life overseas and experience the history of the Federal Republic through the eyes of immigrants. Interactive and multimedia-based, you will dive deep into more than 300 years of German and European emigration and immigration history and stories. Empathize, think and discuss with others! In addition, there is the possibility to research emigrated ancestors in the family research or to take advantage of the diverse program of the barrier-free museum: Guided tours for young and old, exciting activities for children from children's quizzes to family night hikes, and interesting facts for schoolchildren and adult history fans alike. The museum restaurant "Speisesaal" rounds off the culinary journey through time with modern cuisine and a historical menu.</p>

Bremerhaven German Emigration Center historischer Hafen Geschichte

€ 2 discount on student admission

<p>ISIC holders receive a reduction of € 2 on the entrance fee for students.</p> <p>Museum admission including free short introduction for ISIC holders: € 15</p> <p><em>Photo credits: © Deutsches Auswandererhaus / Photo: Werner Huthmacher</em></p>

Entertainment Education & Career

Deutsches Auswandererhaus

Deutsches Auswandererhaus
Columbusstraße 65

53.545133, 8.5739798

20 more...
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